Sunday, December 26, 2010
Giveaway at "Life in my Eyes!"
Iona from "Life in my Eyes" is hosting a giveaway. The winner will receive one of two design packages from Beauty Blog Designs! (worth 5-10 dollars) So head on over, check out her blog, and enter the giveaway! The deadline is New Years Eve. And Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tutorial...and Merry Christmas!!
It took me too long...but the tutorial is finally up! *yeah!!* Check it out by clicking on the banner above. And I'd love to know if any of you find it helpful! Comments are loved here!! ;)
Also, I will be taking a week long break from designing from the 25th to the 1st. So, I would like to wish all my lovely followers a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New year! =)
(Lauren and Brittany-Amelia: I will finish working with both of you before taking a break. And those of you whom I owe emails - they are coming and will get to you before Christmas!!)
Also, I will be taking a week long break from designing from the 25th to the 1st. So, I would like to wish all my lovely followers a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New year! =)
(Lauren and Brittany-Amelia: I will finish working with both of you before taking a break. And those of you whom I owe emails - they are coming and will get to you before Christmas!!)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Platinum Dream
I'm back with another finished design! Maeve from Platinum Dream asked for a design that was colorful with jewely colors, similar to Iona's. I ended up going with emeralds all over the blog, and elegant fonts. I kept the width of the posting area wider than usual so that the green wasn't overpowering, and added some grunge textures to give variance to the swirls.
All in all, it was great working with Maeve! I'd love to know your thought on the design, and be sure to check out her blog!
All in all, it was great working with Maeve! I'd love to know your thought on the design, and be sure to check out her blog!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Some Changes are Going on Around Here...
Well, if you've been stalking my blog during the past few hours you've probably noticed some changes. Yes, it's true - I am now charging for fancy blog makeovers, while simple ones still remain free. Before any of you have a heart attack in your desk chair, let me say this - all of you who have already submitted a form reply for a blog makeover will still receive one for free. So, yes, lean back in your chair in relief and heave a huge sigh. This doesn't affect you!! =)
So. Now that your worries are gone - why am I doing this? Well, my business has grown AMAZINGLY (to my great surprise!!) in the past two months (I now receive an average of two or three submissions per week - a total of 29 in two months!) and because of my greatly increased number of wonderful clients, I've decided that I really should be charging a very small fee for my services. I love blog design and I love my clients (you are all so amazing and I am honored to be working for you!!) but I am really busy with college and other responsibilities, and thus would like to make a few dollars extra off my designing. =)
Make sense? Oh, I hope so. ;) Now, on to more exciting matters. KyAnn from Bloom! Magazine contacted me and asked if I would design the Bloom! staff blog. Naturally, I was very excited to do so and I had a blast with it! I have never worked with fun colors like oranges, pinks, and blues before, so I was a little nervous, but I think it works! =) KyAnn asked for something fun with just a little elegance. Do you like it?
So. Now that your worries are gone - why am I doing this? Well, my business has grown AMAZINGLY (to my great surprise!!) in the past two months (I now receive an average of two or three submissions per week - a total of 29 in two months!) and because of my greatly increased number of wonderful clients, I've decided that I really should be charging a very small fee for my services. I love blog design and I love my clients (you are all so amazing and I am honored to be working for you!!) but I am really busy with college and other responsibilities, and thus would like to make a few dollars extra off my designing. =)
Make sense? Oh, I hope so. ;) Now, on to more exciting matters. KyAnn from Bloom! Magazine contacted me and asked if I would design the Bloom! staff blog. Naturally, I was very excited to do so and I had a blast with it! I have never worked with fun colors like oranges, pinks, and blues before, so I was a little nervous, but I think it works! =) KyAnn asked for something fun with just a little elegance. Do you like it?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Annie's Watermark
Annie at Forever Love emailed me wanting a watermark. She was very sweet and wonderful to work with. Check out her blog and watermark!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
First Freebie!
The new background and header are now available! Check them out here -
Tutorial coming soon!
Tutorial coming soon!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well, Howdy Folks!
Yes - I am, as it were, back from the dead. I won NaNoWriMo at 11:22 pm last night and have officially written exactly 50,000 words.
So. I am back in the business! Keep checking back for the background, header, and tutorial (which one will it be???) this week. And at the end of the week I will start on Maeve's desgin!! Yeah!!
So. I am back in the business! Keep checking back for the background, header, and tutorial (which one will it be???) this week. And at the end of the week I will start on Maeve's desgin!! Yeah!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kristen's New Look!
Kristen contacted me and asked for a blog design. She wanted something professional, pretty, but not too girly. =) She had suggested a color scheme that included red - and I jumped on that! I went for a overall gray design with bits of red here and there to give it a pro look, and incorporated swirly text and embellishments to make it prettier.
She was very patient with me and was great to work with!
And just to let everyone know, I am still taking blog design requests - I just won't be working on them until December. So, if you want a design, don't hesitate to fill out the form!!
She was very patient with me and was great to work with!
And just to let everyone know, I am still taking blog design requests - I just won't be working on them until December. So, if you want a design, don't hesitate to fill out the form!!
Lauren's Header and Button
You all might remember that I did a signature for Lauren a while back. Well, she wrote to me asking for a header and button! =) I really had a lot of fun working on them for her!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Do You Like It?
Okay - I know that comments aren't working right now. =) (Just wanted to say that right off the bat) I'm working on fixing that. Other than that, do you all like the new name and design? I've added a lot of pages for you to check out - and I'd love for you all to vote on what tutorial I should write in December. Click on the "tutorials" link in the header to vote.
Well, that's all for now - I have a blog design to install! ;) Get ready for your header and button, Lauren!
Well, that's all for now - I have a blog design to install! ;) Get ready for your header and button, Lauren!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A Little Change of Plans
Don't worry - I'm not changing anything big. =) I just wanted to let you all know that after completing Kristen's blog design and Lauren's header and button, I'm going to take a break from designing until December. All of you wonderful girls who are further down on the wait list - yes! I'm still going to do yours - just not as early as I had originally hoped.
My reasons? Well, the first one is school. I really need to be devoting more time to it. Second is my book. =) Writing it and doing all the necessary research for a historical-fiction novel is really a lot. My third reason is the most exciting one. (well, to me.) I will be working on re-designing this design blog - completely revamping it. I feel like my design blog should 'show off' the best of my designing abilites, and I feel that right now it doesn't. So, coming later this month, a new blog design and name!
ALSO, to reward you girls for your tremendous patience with me, I will work on at least one free background and header, AND a tutorial. When I release the new site, I will have a poll up so you all can tell me what you want to see a tutorial on...and in December I will put up the background(s) and header(s) for anyone to download!
Do realize that I am not trying to be lazy with you girls at all - in fact, if i could, I would do all your designs now. =) It really is just circumstances that I don't really have control over.
I am really excited about working on all of your designs! I have been learning so much about blog design, and I feel that taking a month to learn more will really be a benefit - I will be able to provide all of you with a more "finished" blog than I would if I did it now.
So, to end this long post (so sorry!) just know that I am looking forward to designing each and every one of your blogs, and cannot wait to get back to it in December! =) I really appreciate you all trusting me to make your blog "you," it is a big task that I am honored to have!
My reasons? Well, the first one is school. I really need to be devoting more time to it. Second is my book. =) Writing it and doing all the necessary research for a historical-fiction novel is really a lot. My third reason is the most exciting one. (well, to me.) I will be working on re-designing this design blog - completely revamping it. I feel like my design blog should 'show off' the best of my designing abilites, and I feel that right now it doesn't. So, coming later this month, a new blog design and name!
ALSO, to reward you girls for your tremendous patience with me, I will work on at least one free background and header, AND a tutorial. When I release the new site, I will have a poll up so you all can tell me what you want to see a tutorial on...and in December I will put up the background(s) and header(s) for anyone to download!
Do realize that I am not trying to be lazy with you girls at all - in fact, if i could, I would do all your designs now. =) It really is just circumstances that I don't really have control over.
I am really excited about working on all of your designs! I have been learning so much about blog design, and I feel that taking a month to learn more will really be a benefit - I will be able to provide all of you with a more "finished" blog than I would if I did it now.
So, to end this long post (so sorry!) just know that I am looking forward to designing each and every one of your blogs, and cannot wait to get back to it in December! =) I really appreciate you all trusting me to make your blog "you," it is a big task that I am honored to have!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thanks, Guys!
I just wanted to thank you all for your wonderful patience with me. I know things are taking longer (as I warned you they would! =) ) and I want each of you to know that I have not forgotten about you. I decided to do NaNoWriMo this year - which means my new activity is writing! =D
I'm currently working on Kristen's blog design and I think we're almost there! Next up will be Lauren's header and blog button - so get ready, Lauren! ;)
Once again, thank you guys so much for being patient with me. Those of you who just wanted a watermark or logo - do know that I am working on yours along side of the other blog designs and will (hopefully!) be ready to send you a "first draft" in about a week.
Oh - and one more thing. "Hannah Rose Photography" and "HRP {blog designs}" are now on Facebook - go check 'em out and like them if you want!
I'm currently working on Kristen's blog design and I think we're almost there! Next up will be Lauren's header and blog button - so get ready, Lauren! ;)
Once again, thank you guys so much for being patient with me. Those of you who just wanted a watermark or logo - do know that I am working on yours along side of the other blog designs and will (hopefully!) be ready to send you a "first draft" in about a week.
Oh - and one more thing. "Hannah Rose Photography" and "HRP {blog designs}" are now on Facebook - go check 'em out and like them if you want!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Liz's Signature and Watermark
Liz, from Made to Worship Art and Photography, contacted me, asking for a signature and watermark! We took our time fine-tuning it...and here are the results! =)
Also, for all those interested, I can now provide signatures in your own handwriting! Here's an example - this is my real signature that I turned into my main blog signature -
So, if you'd like a signature in your own handwriting - just let me know! I'd be glad to do it!
Be looking for Kristen's finished blog design in the next few days, too!
Also, for all those interested, I can now provide signatures in your own handwriting! Here's an example - this is my real signature that I turned into my main blog signature -
So, if you'd like a signature in your own handwriting - just let me know! I'd be glad to do it!
Be looking for Kristen's finished blog design in the next few days, too!
Monday, October 18, 2010
I've Been a Little Busy...
Just to let all my wonderful followers know, I'm really busy right now (college classes start on Wednesday) so designing will take a little longer. Thanks to all of you who have contacted me wanting a blog design! Thanks for your trust in me and your patience! Know that I will get to each and every one of you as soon as possible! =)
Iona's design is now done -
Iona's design is now done -
Check out her blog!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Allie's Signature
Allie from Allie Photography contacted me and said she'd like a signature - here it is! =)

I'm also working on Iona's blog looking for the finished product within the next week!

I'm also working on Iona's blog looking for the finished product within the next week!
My Button is Up!
Just wanted to let you all know that my blog button is ready to be grabbed! =) The code is at the bottom of the page on the left if any of you would like to take it!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Lauren's New Signature!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
May Amelia's New Look!
May Amelia was the first person to take me up on my free blog makeover offer! She asked me for a vintage design with browns, creams, and lilacs/purple. It went really fast and was so fun to design!
Check out her blog and follow her if you like it!!
Check out her blog and follow her if you like it!!
Next up - Iona!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Well, I decided to change the look of this blog - and I think it's so much better than before. =) Just wanted to let my readers know that all the pages are finally up and ready to roll. I also changed the form - so it will be much easier to use.
And I'm totally serious - anyone who wants a button, header, or blog design - please let me know! This is something I love to do and would love to do for you, too - if you want it! ;)
And I'm totally serious - anyone who wants a button, header, or blog design - please let me know! This is something I love to do and would love to do for you, too - if you want it! ;)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ready to Go!
Alright - we're set! Tell me what you think of the design - I'd love to hear your thoughts! My dad and I are working on designing a logo for my photography, and I might to a seperate one for my design site - I'll keep you posted! Even though this site isn't complete yet, you can still fill out my blog makeover form if you're interested - just click on "So, What Would You Like?" above. I'd love to do some designing for you!
I'd also love to know if any of you would be interested in some tutorials and/or free backgrounds that you could just grab. Let me know your thoughts on that!
I'd also love to know if any of you would be interested in some tutorials and/or free backgrounds that you could just grab. Let me know your thoughts on that!
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