Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm back with a new design for the portfolio! Lauren from Spinning Barefoot won a design package through Iona's giveaway - and we just finished it! She also got a very neat drop-down menu with her design - and I am now designing these seperately for only $4 apiece - they're the new addition to the "shop!" So be sure to take a look at that.

 Check out Lauren's blog and leave her some love!

I'm also working on adding some packages...*hint - one will have to do with photographers...and will be extra-special!!* So be looking for those.

What tutorial do you guys want next? Feel free to comment and tell me, or you can use the chat box on the tutorials page sidebar to let me know! I'll be putting up a new tutorial, based on your requests, by the end of the month.

ALSO, I completed designing my new logo, website, and blog for! I'm very excited about it - and I'd love for you to check it out and tell me what you think! *hint #2 - the new site has something to do with the package!!!*

That's all for now, but I'll be back in a few days with some new, very cool, designs for some very cool people!! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lauren's blog looks great. ;) You could do a tutorial on the drop down menu thing. =D Just a suggestion.